Our annual Idaho USAFA Family Barbecue is always a great time! This is for USAFA graduates, current cadets, parents and families. We welcome and congratulate our new Appointee Cadets and provide everyone present with an overview of what our club's purpose is. This a fun, informal event providing an opportunity for our current cadets and graduates to meet, and for all of us to honor new appointees before leaving for BCT. It is also a chance for club board members and parents to answer questions other parents may have. We talk about important upcoming events (Parents' Weekend football anyone???) and all our USAFA swag is available for purchase. This year's details:
2024 Date: Sunday, June 2 Time: 1:00 pm Venue: 6020 N Hill Point Way, Star ID 83669. Agenda:
Call Pat Shirley (757-814-0811) with questions. PARENTS WEEKEND:
DECEMBER 28, 2024 We welcome all cadets and their family members to join us for this annual formal event honoring and connecting Idaho cadets, midshipmen, alumni and parents of the five federal service academies: US Military Academy, US Air Force Academy, US Naval Academy, US Coast Guard Academy and US Merchant Marine Academy. The event will take place at the Riverside Hotel in Boise, Idaho. We hope everyone can attend this fun event. you can register for the event at this link: All Service Academy Ball We need 6 USAFA parents to help with check in! Please email [email protected] if you can help! |